About Me

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Suzy Edmonson, LOT, RMT, C-AK, SNC
Live Food & Lifestyle Instructor

Thank you for exploring my website! Please allow me to introduce myself. I have been an occupational therapist since 1985 Desiring to expand what I could offer patients, I began studying and practicing complementary methods in 1995. In my journey to acquire new skills, I became a registered massage therapist, a yoga teacher, a teacher of a powerful hands-on healing modality, Ancient Rainbow Conscious Healing, and a certified Live Food & Lifestyle Instructor; in 2018, I completed a master’s program in Spiritual Nutrition, offered by holistic physician Gabriel Cousens, MD at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center. I am also a certified health coach.

The lifestyle program I teach has been instrumental in my recovery from an autoimmune illness similar to rheumatoid arthritis, and I am passionate about assisting others in healing!

Also, I am married to my college sweetheart; we have 2 wonderful adult children and 3 much adored grand daughters![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]